
immovativ GmbH is managed by the two managing partners Stefan Müller-Schleipen and Bo Nintzel.

Stefan Müller-Schleipen

Stefan Müller-Schleipen

Stefan Müller-Schleipen has been managing director of immovativ GmbH since 01 November 2017. Since 2016, he has held the position of a strategic consultant in the company, of which he is also a shareholder, and was significantly involved in the development of ideas and strategies for new modules for KIP | The municipal real estate platform, so that KIP can be used as a digital urban development instrument beyond a purely local real estate exchange.

Stefan Müller-Schleipen is responsible for new customer acquisition, strategic partnerships and internationalisation.

In addition to his activities for immovativ GmbH, Mr. Müller-Schleipen is also a shareholder of Terramag GmbH, which belongs to the Terragroup group of companies, and is thus responsible for the strategic orientation of the group of companies, particularly with regard to new business fields and digitisation processes.

Before joining Terragroup, Stefan Müller-Schleipen worked for many years at Deutsche Lufthansa AG, where he held various positions. He has many years of experience in project management, personnel management and communication. Born in Hanover, he began his professional career as a Lufthansa pilot, contrary to company tradition.

Bo Nintzel

Bo Nintzel

The graduate engineer Bo Nintzel has been managing director of the company since its foundation in December 2006 and has thus helped to build up the company from the very beginning. Over several years he not only developed the company’s products strategically, but was also directly involved in the technical implementation.

Bo Nintzel is responsible for the areas of existing customer support, quotation and contract preparation, as well as product and project management.

Before he became managing director of immovativ GmbH, Bo Nintzel first worked as a project manager at Terramag GmbH after studying geodesy and geoinformation at the Technical University of Darmstadt. In addition to supervising the development of individual building sites, he was instrumental in the development of digital market instruments for residential and commercial areas. In addition to his work as managing director, Bo Nintzel is currently an active member of the “Innerörtliche Entwicklung” commission of the municipality of Roßdorf and the “AG Innenentwicklung” commission of the leading region of Darmstadt-Dieburg.

Mr. Nintzel also works as a consultant for the German Society for Internal Development (dgi).